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Emergency Medical Services for Children

NH EMSC is present on Twitter and more recently on Facebook. Check us out for new education opportunities and program updates.
EMS-C Calendar (Events, Classes, etc)
February 28 ACEs in EMS Course, FSTEMS
March 18th EMSC Advisory Committee Quarterly Meeting
March 19th Fire/EMS System: CPS for EMS Training X2
April 4th Fire/EMS System: CPS for EMS Training X3
April 27th Community Impact Social Justice Awards
May 12-17th NASEMSO Annual Meeting
May 23rd SafeKids301 NH Motor Speedway
May 28th Fire/EMS System: OPS and CPS for EMS Training X3+
May-July National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Recognition Assessment
June 14-16th VT EMS Conference
January 17 Clinical Updates to Pediatric Practice
March 9 Pediatric Preparedness Forum CANCELLED
December 5-6 Pediatric Care After Resuscitation
August 3 North Country Health Fair

June 5 SafeKids301 at the NH Motor Speedway
May 22 EMS for Children Day Manchester, NH

March 21 State of Pedi Emergency Care in NH
June 6 SafeKids301 at the NH Motor Speedway
September 12 EMS Child Passenger Safety Course
September 5, 13th Emergency Childbirth and Neonatal Resuscitation
November 2 NH Trauma System Conference
November 30 Choose Love: The Jesse Lewis Movement
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