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Emergency Medical Services for Children
Reach a higher level of pediatric training
The NH EMS for Children program will be offering an in-person train the trainer course for all rural Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators. Training and materials are brought to you FREE and scheduling is now available.
NH EMSC Rural Expansion/OPS Project for Rural EMS agencies
The Outreach Pediatric Simulation (OPS) project began in 2021 when rural EMS agencies across the Granite State responded to a needs assessment put out by the New Hampshire EMS for Children program (NH EMSC). The response was clear: over 75% of agencies requested simulation equipment and nearly 60% of agencies identified simulation training as ways to improve their pediatric care. We received funding in 2022 and are working hard to get your needs met!
NH EMSC is working with the Bureau of EMS, State Office of Rural Health, Patient Safety Training Center at DHMC and others to bring you a sustainable simulation training package. This includes instruction on best practices of simulation training, materials to make your own pediatric training models, a scenario guidebook, several resources to improve your pediatric care and more!
If your agency is interested in learning more or is ready to receive free simulation training and materials, please reach out to Laurie Warnock at lwarnock@aol.com