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Emergency Medical Services for Children

A Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC) is an identified person(s) to act as a champion for pediatric emergency care within a system. They need not be dedicated solely to this role and is most often an individual(s) already in place who assume this role as part of their existing duties. The individual(s) may be a member of your agency, or work at a county or region level and serve more than one agency.
The Institute of Medicine report "Emergency Care for Children: Growing Pains" recommends EMS agencies and EDs appoint a PECC to provide pediatric leadership and are necessary to advocate for improved competencies and availability of resources for pediatric patients.
In a study published in 2015, Gausche-Hill, et al. showed an association between the presence of a PECC and an increase in pediatric preparedness. The PECC can serve as a leader in the system or facility, a point of contact for updates on pediatric care and liaison with other PECCs.
The following notable organizations recommend the assignment of a PECC:
American Academy of Pediatrics
American College of Emergency Physicians
American College of Surgeons
Emergency Nurses Association
Emergency Medical Services for Children
National Association of State EMS Officials
National EMS Advisory Committee
National Academy of Sciences
The role of a PECC is flexible based on the resources and needs of the system(s). Within the state of New Hampshire we require an ability to reach PECCs to share and support pediatric activities and for the PECC to participate during pediatric data collection periods.
Additional tasks may include promoting and/or offering pediatric education, ensure availability of pediatric-appropriate tools and equipment, promoting family-centered care and liaising with their local MRH PECC.
The EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center hosts several PECC pages which can be navigated to from their PECC page. From there, the content is separated into EMS and ED PECC content to customize content based on where in the care continuum your agency functions.
MACEP's PECC toolkit also has additional information, guidelines and great training videos on pediatric care.
Have additional questions or would you like to act as your system's PECC?
Contact us at
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