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Emergency Medical Services for Children

Family-Centered Care
Family-centered care recognizes the integral role of the family in the health and well being of the pediatric patient. Implementing a family-centered care approach may require significant philosophical, practice, and environmental changes within the emergency medicine culture.
Family-Centered Care is a mutually collaborative health care effort between family, patient and provider(s) that helps achieve the best possible outcome for a child experiencing a medical emergency.
The foundation of family-centered care is the working partnership between families, patient and providers. The relationship is built on the following:
• Mutual respect for the knowledge, skills and expertise brought to the relationship.
• Trust is acknowledged as fundamental.
• Communication and information sharing are open and objective.
• Participants make decisions together.
• There is a willingness to negotiate.
Based on this partnership, a family-centered care policy will:
• Acknowledge the family as the constant in a child's life.
• Build on family strengths
• Support the child in learning about and participating in their care
• Honor cultural diversity and family traditions.
• Recognize the importance of community-based services.
• Promote an individual and developmental approach.
• Encourage family-to-family and peer support.
• Acknowledge existing patient care plans co-authored by the child's family and physician