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Emergency Medical Services for Children

CPS for EMS (Child Passenger Safety for EMS)
From both a provider and administrative perspective we recognize how complicated this topic is. Please always use the safest practices during all patient transports. Because there are no federal or industry consensus standards in the United States for devices used to secure children in ambulances yet, this will continue to be a moving target for the foreseeable future. NH EMSC is working with many different organizations within and across the states including the NH State Bureau of EMS and NASEMSO to have the most concise information available for providers while also working towards federal regulations and more concrete standards for CPS devices.

National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration
Best Practice Recommendations
Ambulance Crash Data

National Association of State EMS Officials
Safe Transport of Children Committee
Pediatric Transport Products for Ground Ambulances
Version 8.2 Active until May 31, 2024
Version 9.0 - Active June 1, 2024
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